Once a year Norwich pays host to all things fashion – for one week in March the city if full of stylish people hopping from one exciting event to another.

This year the dates are March 6th – 13th – you can check out all the news and dates here http://norwichfashion.co.uk/
Sunday is always the Vintage show and this year it is bigger better and more fabulous than ever. I can’t tell you details at the moment as it is all top secret – but believe me it is not to be missed!!!
Just to give you a little hint – between you and me you understand!! Think big sets, the best vintage that Norwich has to offer – dresses, lingerie and maybe a few little surprises.
We have a fashion shoot planned for next week for the official launch photos but we had a mini shoot to get you in the mood – again can’t show you the official pictures yet but here are a few behind the scenes shots to wet your appetite.