Looking after you clothes is the best way to make them last longer so you can wear them for years so when I was gifted the book How to Love Your Laundry by Patric Richardson with Karin B. Miller from Orion Books I started to think more about how I care and wash my vintage pieces. The book is full of tips on how to wash your clothes even the most delicate fabrics, how to spot clean and avoid having to pay out for dry cleaning which aside from damaging the fabric is also harmful to the planet.

I loved this book which arrived in the post with a mini bottle of vodka – not for consumption to get threw the piles of laundry but to use a stain remover apparently it can even get red wine out of whites!! I am now looking forward to washing again.
My new discovery for the laundry and the best eco friendly way to wash clothes is a product that I was sent to try out by Earth Breeze UK .
Pe-measured washing sheets that are phosphate and paraben free, with no bleach or cholorine dyes, vegan and cruelty free that are so simple to use, they are delivered to your door in zero waste packaging that is biodegradable, compostable and recyclable. They are as sensitive to your skin and they are to the planet.
You can sign up for a monthly subscription which will save you money and reduce the use of plastic bottles knowing that you will be lightening your load on the environmental impact with this revolutionary laundry product.
They are so simple to use just pop one of the sheets into your machine and let these little sheets work there magic. Earth Breeze sheets clean my clothes so well making them smell fresh without damage to on the planet so a small change with a big impact.

Taking time with your laundry and caring for your clothes will not only mean you are helping to save the planet and reducing waste but make your clothes last longer generating the need to buy less and re-use and re-wearing what you already own as well as saving on dry cleaning cost.
Now I look forward to laundry day knowing I am doing my best to save the planet one wash at a time!!