Paris part 2 – Gems around every corner??

One of the things I love about Paris is that every where you look there is something fabulous to look at whether it be the architecture, a shop window or flowers growing in window box.

Grand buildings and interesting things pop up where you least expect them, you can’t walk around without looking up at the fascinating things around you.

I love wandering around and soaking up the atmosphere or sitting in a café with a glass of wine or coffee.

Here are a few of my favourite images of our visit (didn’t take as many as I should have done but it gives me an excuse to go back and find some more fabulous things to photograph??)

A quirky light fitting in a café near to our hotel

Front doors on a Paris street.

I want this apartment!!

Loved this simple elegant window display.

Laduree Bakery Shop window

Sacre Coeur – the wedding cake in Montmatre.

Tables outside a café

Love it!!

While we were seating eating dinner one evening they were filming a promotion for Friendly Fishing – watching the guy in the fish trying to walk across the road and avoid the crazy Paris drivers was so funny!!!

Hotel staff “dog walking”

We spotted Karl Largerfeld shopping for furniture – I didn’t manage to snap him in person but spotted him in this window display.

Floral window boxes.

Decoration on one of the bridges!!
The banks of the Seine were turned in to La Plage for summer.


Hope you like some of my views of Paris – one more post to come – another must do in the City of Lights – food and wine!!!

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