The hubby and I have been in our house for over twenty years now – how did that happen and where did the time go???
We live in a two up two down terrace that has gone through many changes since we first moved in but as with many things has suffered a little from neglect as our busy lives have left us with less and less time to dedicate to the house.
So I have decided that we are having a total re-vamp of the house – well I have and the hubby knows now just to agree with me!!
For quite a while I have been loving the trend for “the dark side” in terms of decoration – our walls have been neutral and light colours for sometime but now I am thinking of painting them a deep shade of blue or grey.
As we are collectors of various vintage stuff and the walls are covered in pictures of all the pieces we have accumulated over the years – I think that it will make the “art” stand out and “pop” on the dark walls.
I am putting a two year plan stating in the New Year that will see major changes in all aspects of my life including giving the house a much needed makeover, a re-brand and new services for the business, my health and fitness and getting the life/work balance back on track.
So I thought that I would share a few images on how the house looks now and will keep posting updates, inspiration and ideas as we work through the two year re-vamp.

I love this fireplace and think that it will look amazing against a dark wall. My Gucci-esque dogs my Christmas present from hubby last year, my mother in laws clock, various bits and bobs from our travels – love using a mantle piece to display our favourite things. Deco style dogs from Jane Richards Interiors.

One of the G Plan units I inherited from my parents – again display for pieces we have collected over the years.

I like having a separate dining area – the other G Plan unit lives in here with vintage stuff, along with our Deco cabinet as a drinks bar, walnut sideboard and another piece from my parents – a rug chest that is the best storage as well as great for display.

One of my favourite rooms in the house – The Dressing Room – still work in progress but I love my picture wall, and my fashion pictures – Lulu Guinness were from her shoe launch, original fashion sketch picked up in Paris along with a Chanel show invite – not mine unfortunately!! Painted hat heads by my good friend Margaret Bailey Young.

Vintage nightwear and Tretchikoff prints, more Chanel, bottles and tea cups in the bathroom.

My corner office and the fireplace in the master bedroom – pride of place fireplace – pictures of my parents and a fashion image a gift from my very good friend Jo.
I love our house but feel that is looking a little tired so I am excited to start planning the re-vamp – the fact that it will give me an excuse to hunt for a few more vintage pieces doesn’t factor at all – honest!!!